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April, No Work, Make Work

This is the plea when nothing planned, no routines, when before it, routine was just enough to dampen us, now, I miss the routines. The implication: I trying to made the "no work routine" Some of you maybe say that no work routine is simple, just no work, no work, no work, and that's the routine. Hmm.. no work routine. No Task Routine, No School Routine. BUT STILL HOMEWORK ROUTINE! then no work routine is a fail.

Wake up no more than 6am, the world of homework already waiting, washing the dishes, washing the clothes, brooming the room, all the HOMEWORK ROUTINE already finished when the clock tell us the time is at the 9th hour. Welcome back to No Task Routine. What to do? A LOT OF PLAN COMES UP! Translate Articles, Read some polemical writing, Think about some - why, would, should it - things, Blogging, Read Bible - I NEVER FINISH READ THEM FROM GENESIS TO REVELATION - Play Warband - my only game at PC - Paper-crafting, Wooo, so many things, but at last, all screwed up!! Why? Just simple things, no REAL PLAN made. Hahahaha, I'm just a boy with mind-screw-up, no time management. And then, at 16pm, busted up, nothing to do, find myself so bored. Welcome back to the HOMEWORK ROUTINE.

karonese youth c.1900

karonese youth dancing
New plea, TRADITIONAL DANCE, oh Christ, I can't stand them up! So shy when you dance in front of hundreds people. 2 days done argumenting agains father and mother, and when father say: Just make me proud, you are karonese, if it not you, who else. Then I curse, why I'm the only boy, it should be my brother - if I had - I'm in then. Realizing that I'm not a person of the screen, I'm prefer it much when I am just a person behind the screen. I don't like to be seen by a lot of people! Shame on me, but after all, I do them again, just like I was, said NO but I did them.

About the culture itself, Karonese are one of 5 ethnic considered as Bataknese, but in my opinion, my tribe, differs a lot from other Bataknese. The dialect - there are 3 dialects of Karo People - differ much from other 4 tribes. Some of the Western Researchers said that, they've found that the language and dialects just alike the Scandinavians.
I dont think so that I can tell a lot about my culture, not now at least.

yeah, just like you both said, SMILE!! (CIREM -in karonese-)

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Natal - Dewa Matahari - Kristus - Sol Invictus

Tuduhan seperti ini sering dilancarkan untuk menuduh bahwa kristen itu aslinya adalah pagan. Mari kita lihat. Tuduhan ini adalah salah satu favorit serangan dari Polemis Yahudi dan Islam. Pada tahun 336 gereja di Roma menyatakan bahwa 25 Desember sebagai Dies Natalis Christi, "ulang tahun Kristus." Tulisan dalam Kronograf 354, atau Kalender Philocalian, mencatat, "Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus lahir pada hari kedelapan pada bulan sebelum Januari" , atau 25 Desember. Hal ini tidak menyatakan bahwa perayaan Natal sedang dicari tahu waktu tepatnya pada tanggal tersebut, tetapi kita cukup yakin bahwa penelitian mengenai Natal, dimulai di Roma sekitar waktu ini. "Perayaan Natal merupakan acara penginjilan yang efektif untuk mengubah hati dan pikiran orang-orang kepada Kristus dan jauh dari pemujaan Sol." St. Yohanes Krisostomos Satu generasi setelah kronograf itu diterbitkan, bapa gereja Yohanes Krisostomos (c. 347-407) menulis bahwa Rom

Sejarah Kristen (part I)

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Διδαχη - Kitab Didache

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