A1: Just have been thinking, what's the effect of the name..
A2: For 3 days?!
A1: hmm, not that only!
A2: Then, what's the meaning of our name?
A1: oke, Alex Christian Justisia Ginting....
Christian (Greek, Χριστιανός, Khristianos) = Christian, Christ follower, believe in His deity
St Justin the Martyr |
Justisia (Latin, Iustitia) = Justice (ok, one of the early Christian saint was St. Justin the martyr, a philosopher)
Ginting (my Family name) = Most of soldiers and Generals (in old Karo Kingdom) come from my family name...
A2: Then what the effect?
A1: I love defending you know, Goalkeeping, and when playing wargame, I love defend mission! and, I want to defend all good things, defend my pal happiness, defender!! Christian, hmm, born christian, maybe just that, Justitia, WOGH!! I think St. Justin give me influence, I love thinking about god, divine things, hard matter, is god exist, who right, what's wrong, why should, would it be, until, I want to be a martyr!!! (am I ready for death for faith?) waaaah!! and Ginting, I love wargames :p
A2: wow, why our name give such great effect? hmmm.....
A1: because of it, I rarely write our 3rd name, *laugh
A2: oh yeah, I wanna say something...
A1: what?
A2: am I ignorant?
A1: maybe, yes, we are, my GF said that.
yeah, today I've prayed, hope I can change my traits.